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Barton Creek West Pool

Pool is located at the corner of Creeks Edge Pkwy & Barton Point drive.  The pin in the google map is off by 1/2 a block.  You may park in the pool lot, along the north side of the road into the pool lot, or along Creeks Edge Pkwy.

Do NOT park in the red areas marked below. That is, no parking in the grass between the drive and the playscape and no parking around the middle of the circle. Marked spots are OK.  Access is required for emergency vehicles and we are responsible for damage to the sprinklers.

2601 Creeks Edge Parkway, Austin, TX, United States Directions 30.2970904 -97.88855820000003 Map of 2601 Creeks Edge Parkway, Austin, TX, United States
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Parking in the pool lot and along Creeks Edge Pkwy

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