Team Suit & Other Gear
What is our official Team Suit?
The Barracuda Team Suit is the Speedo Cyclone Swirl / Eco Pro LT Splices (blue/green). We are excited to announce that Speedo has this suit available for another year (2025)!
Do I have to buy a Team Suit for my swimmer? YES.
Swimsuits are not included in registration fees. The team suit is not required at practice, but in order to swim at an official BCW Barracudas swim meet and to be a part of any relay, all swimmers must wear the current Barracuda team suit. This helps the coaches quickly identify our swimmers at meets and helps the officials ensure the right kids are in the right events. All teams in our league have similar policies.
How much is the Team Suit?
We partnered with SwimFreak to purchase suits at a discounted team price.
- Girls Speedo Cyclone Swirl $44
- Boys Eco Pro LT Splice $39 (Jammer) / $34 (Brief)
Where can I buy my swimmer's suit?
- Attend the 2025 Get Your Gear event on Monday, April 21, 4-6 pm at the BCW Big Pool. Stop by to meet your coach, chat with friends, and purchase your team suit plus any other gear you may need (see below) from SwimFreak, our official supplier.
- Visit the SwimFreak store at 4032 S. Lamar Blvd., Ste. 500, Austin, TX 78704. Be sure to let them know you are with the Barton Creek West Barracudas Swim Team to get the correct suit and to get the team discount! They provide suits to the Barton Creek Country Club Sharks and possibly other local Barracuda teams with different team suits.
- Order Online from the SwimFreak BCW Team Link
The suit isn't readily available to purchase online, and unfortunately you cannot get it at Dick's Sporting Goods, Academy Sports or other local generic sport shops.
Is there any other required gear?
In addition to the Team Suit for meets, swimmers should bring goggles, a kickboard, fins (for ages 7+), and a towel or parka to each practice. Mesh bags are incredibly helpful for easy transport, keeping all the gear together, and letting it dry out between sessions. SwimFreak has these items available, but they are also available through any sporting goods store or online retailer. Don't forget to label all your gear! While you are not required to wear the team suit or cap to practice, you should wear a one piece swim suit or jammer, no bikinis or briefs, and pull any long hair securely back from your face or tuck it under a swim cap.
Don't forget to LABEL EVERYTHING!